Even More Radical

According to Michael Graham, Ann Coulter suggested that when US Airways kicked six Muslims off a plane for suspicious activity it was just a publicity stunt to deter Muslims from riding US Airways during the Christmas season (http://news.bostonherald.com/editorial/view.bg?articleid=169765&srvc=news). Without getting into any sort of ethical debate about what should have or haven't been done by the company, I would just like to state that, while some similarities may be drawn between my theory about Michael Richars and that of Coulter's, I believe her suggestion is too radical and illogical. I believe that businesses are in business to make money. There would be virtually no merit to detering Muslims from purchasing tickets from the company, unless the company truly believed that it could capture a larger non-Muslim market by doing so; however, this would not be the way to do it for a couple of reasons:
- When someone buys an airline ticket, to my knowledge he or she is not able to find out what the ethnicity of his or her fellow passengers are. There is no graph that depicts the percentage of different religious affliations that will be flying on a plane. As far as I know, profiling of that sort is illegal.
- Secondly, why would a company not want to sell to a certain group of people, especially one that is so large?
- Finally, the nation has become so liberally minded and everyone is so careful to be politically correct that destroying this section of the market (the Muslim population) could deter others from buying tickets as well.
I just cannot follow the logic of her theory.
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